The World Of Tibetan Buddhism (Council of religious affairs ofnHis Holiness The Dalai Lama) Published by Gyosei Ltd., 1982. Supervision by Council of Religious Affairs of His Holiness The Dalai Lama. Many photographs by Hiroki Fujita, 225 pp – cloth, in cloth box, in clip case – with explanatory comments
Tibetian Painted Scroll: An artistic and symbollic illustration of 172 Tibetian Paintings preeceded by a survey of the historical artistic, Literary and Religious development of Tibetian culture with an article of P.Pellot a Mongol eddict, the translation of historical documents and appendix on pre buddhistic ideas of Tibet
This is a particularly rich and well-produced catalogue raisonee which was produced with involvement of Pasmore. As one might expect, this is a quality piece of work: cloth over boards with a sewn binding, released with dustjacket. 341 pp and 7.25 pounds. 249 plates, 51 in color, and over 600