Michel Foucault(2)- Vols.4-7 Critical Assessment of Contemporary Economists Foucault’s work can generally be characterized as philosophically oriented historical research; towards the end of his life, Foucault insisted that all his work was part of a single project of historically investigating the production of truth. What Foucault did across his major
Thomas Robert Malthus- 4 Vols.Critical Assessment of Contemporary Economists The volumes are thematically arranged, examining first the life of Thomas Malthus and perspectives on his thought; secondly his Essay on Population and Principles of political thought: and thirdly Malthusian Economic Analysis Paul A. Samuelson – 4 vols Paul A. Samuelson
Sir John R. Hicks –4 vol. set Sir John Hicks Critical Assessment of Contemporary Economists is one of the highest-regarded contemporary economists, and it is fitting that the new series of Critical Assessments of Contemporary Economists should commence with his work. Awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1972, Sir
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The Cambridge Economic History of India 2 Vol Set: published in two volumes, aims at tracing the changes in the economy of India from the thirteenth to the middle of the present century and beyond. The second volume covers the period 1757-1970, from the establishment of British rule to its
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The new palgrave dictionary of money & finance: The first reference work ever to be awarded the Eccles Prize for Excellence in Economic Writing from Columbia Business School. Continuing in the tradition of The New Palgrave, this 3-volume set provides an unparalleled guide to modern money, banking and finance. In
Thomas Robert Malthus- 4 Vols.Critical Assessment of Contemporary Economists The volumes are thematically arranged, examining first the life of Thomas Malthus and perspectives on his thought; secondly his Essay on Population and Principles of political thought: and thirdly Malthusian Economic Analysis.